Monday, June 11, 2007

PAYjr - better to teach the teens

The quality of life in 2007 is so much better than just 20 years ago. We have bigger and more comfortable homes and great technologies that make life easier and more enjoyable. This also means that teens are different to what they were in our day. Becuase they already have more than we did at a similar age, they want more and better things than we ever did.

As parents we have to be vigiant and exercise great careful as to what our children are doing. Do we really know who they are associating with or what they have had been doing everyday? Because of our busy schedules such as too much pressure from work, long hours spent travelling, and always too busy to stop and smell the flowers, we hardly have the chance to spend time with the kids…

In this hectic life it is so easy that whenever our children ask us to buy something they need, it is more convenient to just give them the money and let them to buy themselves. As they grow up, we hope that they will learn to budget rather than continue to ask for more and more cash.

So when there is something that helps us with our busy lifeestyle and also allows us to share and teach our kids about money and budgeting it is a service worth investigating more.

There is a new service on the market a card named as 'PAYjr Prepaid Teen Visa',

It is a re-loadable pre-paid cash card that is accepted in most places and shops. You can transfer the money to the teens electronically, and because it is 'debit' card, so there is not the same concerns as a credit card, such as over-spending and getting into debt. You can monitor where your kids are spending their money and how, and if necessary you even can suspend the card if needed.

Isn't this a great idea! The card is so much better than just handing overcash and hoping they do the right thing - the PAYjr Prepaid Visa is just teh thing in this busy world.

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