Monday, December 18, 2017

Rain and Cold In Perth - True I kid you not!

And the rain and cold did come... we have had guests over for Christmas drinks over the years [ about 20 years I think ] and have weathered 45 c days but yesterday was a new experience 20 c and wet!!!
But the company was great! As we discussed stories of travel... Penang, Antarctica, Uganda, Gold Coast, UK and more... a great warm time was had by all.
Merry Christmas everyone.

#Wayne Mansfield, #WayneMansfield, #BusinessSeminarsAustralia, #Rebootology

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Bad Weather stops SANTA

There is a storm coming!

After a very hot day yesterday and a fabulous day of cricket at the WACA, the weather has turned and it is cold and wet now.
Some friends are coming over this afternoon - and rather than worry about how to keep cool it will be how to stay dry.
Here is the result of the storm warnings - Carols by Candlelight cancelled.

#WayneMansfield #Rebootology #BusinessSeminarsAustralia

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Of course you joke!

The little Fiat 500 had a name too ....
I am at Chevron Island on the Gold Coast Queensland [ still part of Australia ] enjoying a coffee but the world starts later here - in Perth my favourite coffee stops open at 5 am but I haven't found that one here yet - consigned to a 6 am start.
Yesterday we went with friends to Mount Tamborine... and had a fabulous day.
On the way home the local ABC news station report a dreadful natural event in Tamborine ... a branch from a large tree fell on parked cars and they had a local interview the owner of a Fiat 500 which was damaged by the fall. The interview was amazing for it's quaintness - the card had a name and we heard of the excitement created by the electrical sparks from the downed power lines - obviously news from a country town perspective.
Later, when we had returned to the "big smoke" on the Gold Coast we watched/listened to the same event from main stream media... apparently someone else was injured somehow and transported to hospital by ambulance... we don't know how "they" are but there surely will be a claim against the Town of Tamborine ... and we shouldn't park under shady trees in Tamborine as branches might fall... nobody mentioned that this was actually the first recorded example of this happening but that, obviously, would muck up a good story.
I wouldn't be surprised in weekend numbers at Tamborine are down this week as people avoid the possibility of being hit by a tree.

Originally published #Rebootology

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Where is the other shoe

There is another one of me!

Sunday morning in Perth - ready for another 10 days on the road... with the Paul McCartney Concert in the middle with friends Elizabeth and Terry. Great end to a interesting year.
My mind races when I see a lonely shoe on my walks. This morning the shoe is actually a small child's slipper. So I wonder, what will her mother say?? Was it discarded on purpose - a naughty child, did it slip off unintentionally and will cause concern when replaced... there are many stories.
Let's hope all is well with the ankle bitter.
[ If you want to share to other pages DON'T add the messenger button to posts - it took me hours and hours to work out what changed the privacy settings and it turns out that is the culprit ]

Thursday, November 30, 2017

What will the future look like? Who knows?

Should we ban strange head gear!

This is a bit political today!
When Pauline Hansen was first elected to parliament she was railing against Asian Migration to Australia and about 30-40% of Australian agreed with her.
Now circa 2017 she has Muslin Migration in her sights with 30-40% of Australians agreeing with her - the number of people concerned about Asian immigration has reduced to >5%.
Will our concerns about Muslim influx similarly reduce over time?? The major difference is that there is a very small number of Muslim immigrants who have decided to "undo" anything that is Australian and NOT assimilate. This wasn't the case with the Asian migration or after the war European migration.
So the issue is how to stop radicalisation of you Muslims... yes the very small number.
Unfortunately nobody knows what the future will look like.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It won't matter tomorrow... I promise!

Now that is a crowd

7,584,375,240 that's how many people there are in the world today... and you think the opinion of 1 makes a difference??
There are two answers - one person can change the world but what one person thinks about you hardly matters!!
Just a thought!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What's your excuse?? ASPERGERS! Give me a break.

Give me a break - you are just a turd!
If I had been numbering my posts, I wonder what number I would be up to?? I will never know.
Today I think I will have a shot at all the outing of personalities that is going on. I think about the "holier than thou" class who are the glitterati, and all the preaching they do and think... why did you wait for 20 years to do this??
When a hero of mine, Rolf Harris was exposed, I was in shock not believing it could be true. Well apparently it was and everyone was "at it"
Latest is Australian Gardening Guru Don Burke... everybody knew he was an arsehole but he was a ratings machine so he was allowed to continue... and I now tend to believe the stories because he rolled out an excuse... if I did these things I don't remember or best yet, I have Aspergers. The little turd. Are you saying it was OK because of that or that all people with Aspergers are like you???
In Australia at least they don't threaten to go to Canada... that's a blessing for Canada.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

The race that stops a nation

The Melbourne Cup

Thought for Today 58/500
The day that stops a nation - Australia's Melbourne Cup. They even have a public holiday in Victoria for the race day.
Can I make an admission - I have absolutely no interest in the race, will not have a "flutter" and don't even know which horses are racing. Yet, here in Perth, a nation away, about midday, nearly every citizen of Western Australia will glance at a Television screen and for 3 minutes or so be lost in the running of The Great Race. And many of those people here in Perth won't go back to work, they will imbibe too much of food and drink, and probably be impaired tomorrow too.
And back in the real world - the politicians continue to act as children working out whether they are real Australians or not. Our Parliament is embroiled in a saga of soap opera importance... are they only Aussies or are they DUAL citizens?
And people wonder why we hate, politicians, actually more than lawyers, used cars salespeople and insurance agents [ although they have died out!]
And an aside - does anyone actually read my Thought of the [To]Day - yesterday I had feedback across all my platforms and actually by phone too about peoples experience with ADD and ADHD... so thanks for letting me know that I am not just "pissing into the wind"

Originally published in Rebootology

#WayneMansfield #Rebootology #BusinessSeminarsAustralia

Monday, November 06, 2017

Maybe you should appreciate ADHD??

Did you exercise it today?

Thought for Today 57/500
Each mornings walk I listen to podcasts and today I was listening to Edward M. “Ned” Hallowell, who studies ADD and ADHD which he says are wrongly diagnosed as disease - he says, and I have long believed, that they are a different way to think. He adds that if it is a disease it should have been called the Entrepreneurs Curse - that active mind that makes people create stuff.
Along the same lines an active brain and connections allow you to super age - maintain your "marbles whilst growing old gracefully. To help this have an enquiring mind and do puzzles - jigsaws and cross words are interacting with you and keeping your brain healthy.
My adventure with outsourcing continued yesterday - the jobless young woman turned out to be the co-owner of a 6 person company who are really quite good at what they do - it could be called marketing or deception - but it is so annoying when the ruse reinforces your belief about a group of people - and with more than 1 billion of them it can't always be true... can it.?

Originally published at Rebootology on Facebook

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Is prejudice a positive or negative?

You don't belong here!
Thought for today 56/500
When do prejudices harm you?
Yesterday I started on upping my output for social media as I get ready to publish DONE! doing more with less the book, and some of the advice recommends outsourcing - in Australia we call it subcontracting.
I used which is an Australian listed public company... so that was a good start.
The first bids were from all over the world - the normal suspects - Pakistan, India, Philippines etc and then some from Australia and the US... Rate from $2 / hour to $25... so skill would be important. And there is a lot of advice of how to award a job.
So, I award the job twice and will compare results...
Here is what happened and where prejudice comes in... I asked for help from Freelancer and got none - I didn't expect any so I was not disappointed... have you found that help desks rarely offer any help? [ prejudice ]
One contractor agreed to terms - and asked for an example, and my feedback on his example, and said the job will be ready early.
The second contractor agreed to terms, then wanted to change rate [?] then did some work, amended it, and asked for early payment - and my prejudice kicked in.. I have a saying which would get me into trouble now... "How do you know a [ put in where they are from ] is lying?? Their lips are moving."
And to reward my prejudice, the contractor who is showing all the signs of traits that my prejudice say are from [ put in where they are from ]?
My question is - is prejudice a positive or negative in a 2017 connected world?

Originally published in Rebootology - on facebook.RebootologyPIiuTC_A5OuWr8&fref=nf

#WayneMansfield #Rebootology #BusinessSeminarsAustralia

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Are you a shoe girl??

When One pair of shoes is never enough

Thought for Today 55/500

Back to normal - out walking at 5 am [ had to feed the Bengal [ Blu ] before leaving... he has all of us trained well.
On my walk I listened to a podcast about the recent "hoo ha " about sexual harassment and it caused me to pause and reflect.
One of the examples I use in my seminars is how Zappos send to shoe sizes when people order shoes as they have realised that sizing is the most critical of all the factors to determine a soe purchase... and we know that ladies buy lots of shes where as men make do with one or two smelly pairs. I use the term "Are you a shoe girl?" and my audiences nearly always acknowledge they are and every so often one lady says she isn't that into shoe...
My thoughts - in this upside down world am I in danger of being accused of sexual harassment?
I think it will come to that so I will modify how I share this story - sad bloody world we live in....
And for anyone who was offended - I will try and modify my delivery moving forward - I was going to say "Suck it up sister "but I think that would make it worse!
Oh I am so glad I am entering the adjustment phase of my life [ last 25 years through to 90 ] and I can blame being from a different era for me.

Friday, November 03, 2017

When is it a perfect time??

What time is it??

Nearly missed Though of Today today - nothing worked this morning... internet was RS, chrome was playing up, and windows 10 updating... so I thought lets give it a miss.
I mentioned yesterday I was Unit sitting waiting for the internet connection but that didn't happen - the cleaner wouldn't let the Telstra guy in - small general with big power over shit - so I am back today - in the end the Communications box wasn't even locked so he could have done his stuff... so I am back waiting patiently so I have time to do Thought for Today.
Front page of my local daily paper had a picture titled "Pure Evil" of a young women just convicted of murder... apparently she killed a young man to research her horror book plot. And of course the Constant Negative News love those stories.
So, now I have written a few words I will read and contemplate until the ISP guys gets here.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Constant Negative News have a BIG day

Daily News - read all about it!

Thought for Today 53/500 -Originally posted in Rebootology
The news people were in 7th Heaven yesterday with the ISIS attack in New York - I think more coverage in a few hours than the whole month since Las Vegas. Make you wonder doesn't it. I do think The Donald will be emboldened by it! Let's see.
And the Kevin Spacey matter goes on and on!! I wonder if nobody has gone to Canada ye because the Canadians have a good person test on their visa applications?
And the Australian Parliament continues to implode... geez the Constant Negative News boys thought all their Christmases had come at once...
My modern office experience is still taking shape... not used to being "in with the cattle" but at least the parking is cheaper in Osborne Park [ $8 compared to the city at $40 ]
Maybe when I was last "going to work" I was actually the boss - and now being one of the mob just doesn't jell. Let's see how it goes,
I am on Unit sitting duty today whilst the ISP comes and sets up my daughters connection... that will be interesting... sometime between 1 and 4 pm??
Australia Post sent a note yesterday saying my delivery had left the Post Office [ that was time stamped 6.35 am ] and I should wait patiently for the delivery... it arrived at 3.57pm. I suppose I could be happy and celebrate its arrival.
Anyway, this sounds like it is - a whinge!! Sorry!

#Rebootology #WayneMansfield #Wayne Mansfield #BusinessSeminarsAustralia Business Seminars Australia

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Schools are BAD for job creation!

Barcelona has been sold down the river!

Thought for Today 52/500

On the walk this morning... I heard that most entrepreneurs didn't do well at school because they had learning issues - HDD, dyslexia, some where on the ASPERGER'S spectrum... that is the first time I had heard that when the school system wasn't able to pollute your mind [ the learning barrier ] people turned out better!
So, mums and dads, and here Grans and Granpas be thankful for small mercies...
The other interesting commentary was that new businesses employ less people due to reliance on technology - maybe we have to look at working out how to share the wealth around - maybe a new type of job needs inventing - after all Henry Ford created the assembly line worker all those years ago... before that you worked on farms.
And the farce continues in politics... in Australia's citizenship saga the President of the Senate may be English and in Spain the fearless leader of Catalonia has hightailed to Brussels.
And they wonder why trust in Politicians is at an all time low.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fact or fiction - whatever happened to trusted news?

Thought for Today 51/500

When is an apology not an apology?? I don't remember it happening, if it did I must have been drunk... and I am sorry but the demon drink made me do it - circa 2017 Kevin Spacey
I still wonder how many of the actors have left for Canada yet?? Or are they not so "oh so pure" now and they will hang out with their mates in Tinsel Town.

Chris Gayle's defamation case comes up with the mainstream press with more egg on their face. Just looking on, why would this happen after 10 years?? or had it been happening for 10 years and things had changed?? or as this version of the Court ruled, it didn't happen.
Russell Crowe is sounding off about "been seen with a sweet young thing" he says his PA press see something else.
Poor old me, is reduced to reading stuff and wondering which pile to stick it in fiction or Non Fiction or the new category developed by Dan Brown Factionary [ fiction based on facts!]
Or the Donald says: Fake news
I have an answer - just make the shit up - like the magazines do about Leytton Hewitt [ he runs a weekly blog correcting the story]
Originally publish on Rebootology - Facebook

Monday, October 30, 2017

Just what language are Swedish instructions from IKEA written in

A Smaller IKEA Osborne Park Western Australia

Thought for Today 50/500

My company on my walk to the coffee office was James Altucher interviewing Richard Branson about his new book "Finding my Virginity" I have the book - found it in an airport shop on my last trip to Melbourne three weeks ago but can't seem to get into it yet...maybe I will now after James highlighted Branson's love of adventure, family and delegation.

The weekend was involved... there must be a better way for IKEA to write their instructions or are they in league with the professional assembler crowd. To defuse a family fist fight Joanne and I left Erica to muse about what the instructions meant for her chest of draws.

I wonder how the Constantly Negative News crowd will spin this week - lots of things for them to discuss the world over. #WayneMansfield #BusinessSeminarsAustralia originally published in Rebootology on Facebook

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Is there gluten in there?

I didn't do it - promise!
Thought for Today 49/500 - The unfair attack on gluten!

Freakonomics Stephen Dubner has a great program on what has happened since the media has latched onto the effects of gluten - [ Celiac disease (CD) is a genetic, autoimmune disorder that occurs in reaction to the ingestion of gluten.]
Most people who go gluten free don't have celiac and America has gone from 1 in 10,000 people having it [ obviously wrong ] to 1 in 150 again obviously wrong.
So, who benefits - not the people avoiding gluten according to studies now 20 years old [ some have higher heart attack rates etc ] but mainly processed food manufacturers who by taking out gluten have been able to increase prices from 10 % to 300 % with the resulting ballooning of weekly grocery bills.
Is it real - yes. Is it worth treating - yes are we over reacting YES!! A bit like making butter a demon - now research shows it is really good for you!

But hey, you and I know that not everything that tastes good is bad for you!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Who will win the Melbourne Cup?

Thought for Today 48/500

When younger I lost a lot of sleep worrying about politics... and found out whilst I was doing that, my business and private life suffered.

October 2017 will go down as a political world earthquake as seen from an Aussie - constitutional crisis in Canberra, unexpected result in New Zealand, trouble in Catolonia and Span, Donald Trump being crazy, the North Koreans doing silly things, and Qatar still arguing with its "Arab Brothers" and for the oh so self righteous left the Harvey Weinstein show.

So what is one to do? I am reminded of the saying "You don't have to like the rules, but you are ob ligated to know them"

So how can you and I keep going, smiling, and come out the other side better for these distractions.

Firstly don't let Constant Negative News in [ or Always Bloody Correct ] hijack your thinking. and - I don't know what the and is... but it has to be better than CNN and ABC.

Who will win the Melbourne Cup?

Friday, October 27, 2017

Is the cost of parking the new measure of affluence?

Darwin Office Pods

Thought for Today 47/500
I need space when I write - like now in the coffee place at an ungodly hour - it's not yet 6 am here in Perth - so I have been looking for somewhere that allows me to be nearly invisible but able to do DEEP work on my new book DONE!
I found such a place yesterday at Regus Garden Park Osborne Park, and it made me reflect on my first service office - way back when.

I had a serviced office [ back when they were looked down on and not the norm ] in the St Martins Tower Perth - I can't recall how much the office was but I do recall that reserved parking was $1200 a month [ this was 20 years ago ] and the office was "less than a secretary's [ they now are PA's or EA's ] wage" so probably $2000 a month.

2017 version - all day parking in Osborne Park will be $8.20 with first 2 hours free and the all you can eat model of business lounger access, free wifi, coffee etc is $185.00 per month.
Now I am not sure what that is in deflation bu it says something about times... and I can access 3000 similar places in 900 cities around the world.

Oh I can book other stuff on my smart phone app!

And I doubt anyone will look down their nose when I invite them to my Perth office [ or Sydney or Brisbane or Darwin etc ]

How times change. [ originally published in Rebootology ]

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Are we On The Road to Ruin

Listen on Audible

Thought for Today 46/500
Why do we talk about the weather so much?? I don't know but that isn't going to stop me. When asked about the weather in paradise - Perth Western Australia is that from October to March it is hot and dry and no rain. Sounds perfect if everything is air conditioned, as it is!
Well it was belting down with rain this morning October 26th with more to come according to "them". My question then is: "What is going on"
My walk this morning was an education session listening to James Rickards "The road to ruin" If you find stuff interesting, I highly recommend it. I am enjoying it on Audible. Listening is one of the few things hat allow multi tasking. Listen to a book also allow exercise. Highly recommended!

Originally published on Facebook page Rebootology

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Learn to live on coconuts and figs...

Waiting for the NBN!

Thought for Today 45/500
Great walk this morning to coffee office... I am listening to the Audible book The Road to Ruin by James Rickards - what interesting stuff... makes me wonder if I should be off to a secluded island and learn to live on coconuts and figs...

And back in my real world I am wondering if when I get the NBN in 2020 it will be the fast one or the crap on...

[ Facebook says short posts are better - let's see ]

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Milo anyone

Thought for Today 44/500

Well I think supplements work. I haven't been "up and at them" at 3.30 am for months... Blu the Cat doesn't know what to do!

Was watching Paul Murray Live last night. Ross Cameron went off the deep end but was pulled into line by Graeme and Janine. Well done guys.
Then Paul interviewed #MiloYiannopolous and I think, if he is right, the next 30 years will be an interesting time. Milo's take is that Left Wing Elites have pushed Political Correctness too far and it is now time for the "great unwashed" majority to reclaim their opinions etc. As I said, should be interesting times.
If you are interested in doing stuff let me know. I have a number of projects on the go that I could use a hand with.
Milo Yiannopolous
First published on

Monday, October 23, 2017

Feet of Clay

Just dirty or Feet of Clay
Thought for Today 43/500
Rather rough start to the day... my marketing system was unresponsive and my coffee office wifi problematic.
Just saw some note about NBN CEO saying technology might need to be restricted to allow them to make a quid.
My daughter has a new apartment in East Perth - mobile internet is about 75 mg/sec and the adsl suggests she will get between 3 and 6 mg/sec.
With Dad [ me ] paying for her connections, which do you think she will settle on??
Strange weather over the weekend - tropical I think which isn't Perth - warm during day and storms at night.

The #metoo movement has claimed one of my heros and I wonder who else has feet of clay... and the judgements are so subjective.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Said the spider to the fly

That's the problem with short term memory

Thought for Today 42/500
Droning droning in the background is that guy who has scared off a number of people who used to come to my place of solitude - sometimes people don't get it - reminds of "said the spider to the fly"
A good friend, Mark Whitehouse, has run for local council and given that 90% of votes are already in by post, do you think I can find any local press on results... not Dr Google, the Sunday Times, bloody frustrating and I think it explains a lot- when a crazy went crazy in Las Vegas you couldn't get away from it but stuff that might matter - nowhere to be found. Maybe a local TV station - nah! all news rooms control from Sydney and Melbourne.
Do vitamin and supplements work? I am not sure and this time
last year, before having a month off in Italy, Joanne and I gave up our "pills and potions". And in a year I haven't noticed any detriment but I am finally convinced I should take two supplements - multis for those over 50 and Glucosamine for the aches and pains... I will let you know in a couple of months if I notice and benefits!
Why now... a long commute to Melbourne on Monday - something I have done dozens of times, has take a week to recover from. I had lots of sleep yesterday - so much Joanne asked me "Are you sick?"
So, Chemist Warehouse here I come.

originally published at:


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hopefully above ground!

Are you working DEEPLY?

Thought for Today 41/500
I am preparing for my new session DONE! Getting more important things done.... and have committed to researching new productivity stuff.
The new thinking is about making a distinction between Deep and shallow work - I have just listened to DEEP WORK by Cal Newport on Audible.
So, I will try and journal how much time I do deep work against shallow work - I am concerned that drinking coffee [ Australia's gift to the world Flat White ] won't make Deep Work.

I watched a great program on TV [ yes I like TV ] last night about 4 older English people searching for a place to retire - they visited Japan Kyoto where 30% of people are over 60!! What disturbed me was one of the group, who was identified as Wayne a classical dancer [ ballet no less ] said he had stopped thinking of dying - he was 68 and I have to say I am a young 66 and I never think of dying. It really disturbed my but the eldest of the group was 88 and he was a ball of fun... he was in his prime a professional dart player.
All the more reason for REBOOTOLOGY.
The Japanese have active work programs for those over 60 and getting a job is easy - sign up and they place you in 24 hours - it was interesting here a 88 year old being asked

"Where will you be in 5 years?" I think his answer was "Hopefully above ground!"

Friday, October 20, 2017

Knock Knock Knocking on Penny's Door

Penny Penny Penny

Thought for Today 40/500
The power of the trivial! I check in most days on Howard who writes about life and nonsense every day on Facebook.
Sometimes he writes deep and meaningful but mostly just fun and nonsense.
Yesterday he wrote about putting ginger in the curry - now ginger was the kids cat - and the comments set the world on fire. You Tube is ablaze with cat "torture" videos [ cats doing silly things ]
Just why do we find such pleasure in such things of NO substance??
This weekend in my state we are having local elections and 65% of people will blissfully ignore them but will complain when their green rubbish isn't collected on time... or will they complain or is it some whinging person that just annoys everyone.
Aaah we need all sorts to make the world go round.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Nigel the Pelican friend of NEMO

What's so unusual about being called Nigel?

Thought for Today 39/500
At coffee office - should have been doing sessions today but giving body time to recover from the 2017 version of the flu - thanks Susana for the encouragement - "My friend though it was the flu but the Doctor says it is lung Cancer" Mmmm I think I have the flu!
Yesterday started with me being accosted by the man who wanted to talk... and that attitude coloured my day. Today I have decided to be happier!!
So to start with examples of amazing service in contrast to yesterdays writings.
I had a steak lunch at the 7 Mile Inn in Balcatta. They have a lunch special steak - good value and the steak is usually cooked as ordered - medium rare for me - and the merlot is Jacobs Creek so nearly a perfect lunch.
My computer needed charging so I could write - but no power points in sight. I asked the duty manager and he said... "hold on a moment - I will run and extension cord for you and you can charge away!!" Good service delivered with unexpected good humour. Well done 7 Mile Inn.
I have been getting phone calls about my ABN number not showing the correct details and a major Local Government rang to order courses BUT the ABN was confusing.
I rang a help line and got NIGEL. We joked, laughed and shared [ yes he was from the Government and he did help me ] and he found out that when ASIC took over the State Business Name Registers somehow our records got "confused" NIGEL said he wanted to help more but couldn't but he then gave me the phone number to call, suggested the best time to call, explained what I had to ask ASIC to do and how it would work. Yes NIGEL was with the Government.
Thursday is a deep work day for me - I call it my warrior day - so after writing walking and my coffee, I will enter warrior mode but today I will start with a mindset of gratitude rather than confrontation.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I want my space - please piss off!

I came here for solitude

Finished coffee and ready for action!
My coffee place has an alcove which is usually available for me - no need for eye contact, talking with, or interaction with others - a sanctuary if you like.
Hell when I turned the corner there was someone there waiting to talk to me. It was the guy who comes to the coffee place to share his point of view about the ills of the world and to hell if you have an opinion.
anyway, sometime ago, I said I don't want to chat this morning I came to write and I haven't been bothered yesterday and he turned his attention to someone else who, having been to polite to tell him to piss off, didn't come today.
Anyway I was asked why?? And I have him a straight answer which obviously was a mistake because after 5 minutes I had to ask him to leave me alone...
So, my question, do you have one of those people who are only interested in finding someone to convert to their point of view and who forget that we have one mouth and two ears and don't use them in that proportion!
So, the first 15 minutes of my sanctuary were a battle ground and my usual tranquil day beginning has been disrupted.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Call Buttons and NO service??

Is this drinkable??
Thought for Today 37/500
Well I am back in Perth - the weather her is like Melbourne - dull, drizzling, windy etc BUT without the chill! One lady at the sessions said she used to live in Rockingham but had been in Melbourne for 16 years and didn't want to come back - the weather does that to you - makes you mental! But I suppose living with all those English migrants in their thongs and socks gets to you! Just ask Western Australia's Premier Mark McGowan - he has gone made since living in Rockingham.
Well, I spent most of my 5400 kilometre commute sleeping.. as you do when you fly - I just don't understand people who can' sleep on planes... heck I slept on the bus to the airport - the driver cam to find me because nobody collected my luggage.
tried coke with coffee - god id was awful. The coffee tasted like coffee syrup - I thought Australia had moved on since then [ flat white anyone? ] Coke will look for answer why it failed but coffee taste won't be considered... but again incase Coke is listening, it tasted bloody awful!
Point of view - As I see it! : [ instead of Rant ]
2 hours into the return flight from Melbourne I woke and had missed the meal service... and durin the 5 minutes I had been awake I had made small chat with my traveling companion two seats away - he was a Holden fan and had a neat RIP T Shirt on - and he offered to push the service button. Now on every flight the captain welcomes you and says "Bob [ or Betty] and their team are here to help and make your flight fantastic..." so I was expecting some one would turn up. Well a delightful [ she really was so I didn't get angry at any stage - although there were many reasons to ] flight steward eventually came 42 minutes after pushing the button and said "the call light is on - did anyone want something? or was it a mistake??"
And another 20 minutes later I got a serve of cheese and bikkies and a glass of read... people say its me but the difference between seat 32D in economy and 7B in business is $1500.
I think I will learn to put up with being ignored - when the service did come it was delightful... maybe they need more stewards?? maybe??

#Qantas #Fail #WayneMansfield #BusinessSeminarsAustralia

Monday, October 16, 2017

Where do the students park at this high school?

Anywhere they please apparently!

OK I will drive myself but where do I park?
Thought for Today 36/500
I am sitting in Queen Street Melbourne - you forget how cold Melbourne is until you visit again! - having a coffee - about 3000 kilometres from my last coffee in Perth.
I am going to do 6 hours of sessions than fly back to Perth and away from the cold.
Why is coffee so cheap in Melbourne - it could be that it is terrible but that maybe just this place but what costs $4.40 in Perth costs only $3.20 here - strange stuff!!
Unexpected consequences?? In today's photo I have a story from the Perth Sunday Times that talks about parking issues at Perth's secondary school... when they increased the age that ypung people had to continue education, there was no allowance that more students would be of Drivers Licence Age and they would choose to drive to school. The result - chaos at the start and finish of the school day as students collide with parents dropping off and picking up younger students and a general lack of parking... the people who increased the school leaving age, didn't plan for more students driving to school.
There are dozens of examples of "unexpected consequences" like this and I will find a few and share them with you as they make themselves known.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Airline food in Cardboard Boxes! Where will it end?

REALLY AWFUL - airline food [ already questionable ] served in a card board Box

Thought for Today 35/500
Getting ready for midnight flight this evening to Melbourne... arrive 6'ish, to the city, two sessions [ one 9 to 12 than 1 to 4 ] back to airport, and back in Perth for a coffee and merlot before bed. How is that for a commute - 5400 Kilometre round trip!
Ooops and they don't serve Merlot in the Qantas Lounge! Melbourne airport does have a Nandos so I can avoid the airline food - Qantas now serve it in take away cardboard boxes... I think you can take cost cutting too far - it is inedible!! Trust me, I tried a few flights back and nearly choked on it..
Article in today's newspaper glorifying Elvis and Priscilla - seems insensitive with all that is going on in Hollywood and the casting couch.
The thing that gets my goat today is the AFL trying to get a minimum $10 million payment for 20 years from the new stadium in Perth - greedy bastards I say!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Do finger Prints Change?

Why not just reduce prices??

Thought for Today 34/500
This morning I am listening to Peter Diamandis - the most electric mind I have heard - author of ABUNDANCE and BOLD books that talk about "the world is better than you think."
Need a lift?? Read these or listen to Peter - your life will never be the same again.
What is your Massively Transformative Purpose ??
Can finger prints change?? Yes is the answer so identification by your "finger mark" isn't 100% fool proof - I wonder whether DNA will become fallible?? Rather than operators getting slack [ as in Western Australia ] will illness or other biology change your DNA?
The mainstream media, who must have known, going crazy about the relevations of the Hollywood casting couch. And the plebes lapping it up... and I am sure those magazins will have bumper sales this month.
Thought for Day podcast is here:
Do me a favour please - leave a comment or a rating over at iTunes - I appreciate you.

#WayneMansfield #BusinessSeminarsAustralia