Saturday, July 06, 2019

The sentiment is changing!

As an observer, I have noticed our local [ Perth Western Australia ] daily newspaper get smaller and smaller day after day - I used to get it home delivered but after a trial to see if it was missed, haven't renewed the delivery... I read it at the coffee stop on the 10 km walk each day... even Rupert Murdoch has given up on my city with the recent sale of his one dominant Sunday Times to the holding company of the West Australian newspaper. my favourite Wednesday feature of the West Australian is repeated in the Sunday Times [ the motoring section which is sourced from Eastern States Journalists - progress they tell me!]

But a green shoot today. The Saturday edition of the West had extra ads for televisions and whitegoods to soak up the tax breaks that sailed through Federal Parliament dut=ring the week... and the paper was nearly large enough to be 2 parts as it once was but just missed the cut I think...

The only issue I see is that most people who are in line for the $1,000 bonus will have spent it 3 times by the time it arrives...

although I recall when a similar trick was pulled by Kevin Rudd in 2008 the bouns cash went to pay down personal debt... maybe it will be the same this time?

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