Saturday, May 02, 2009

Twitter #FollowFriday shoutouts...

I am overwhelmed by the number of people who do a #FollowFriday mentioning me and when I acknowledge them in Twitter there are soooo many that some people unfollow [mmmm?!?] so I have decided to acknowledge their good deeds here at Confessions of a Boy from Margaret River.

So, it's Saturday May 2nd 2009 in Perth and here are "just a few of the #FollowFriday shout out people - thanks I am honoured and humbled...

@wbaustin  when Bill does a #FollowFriday you're on your way!!

Phew... there are more but I will add them later BUT I am truly thankful for the #FollowFriday shout outs..

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