Saturday, June 24, 2006

Forge Real Estate Great Advice

Do you know if they ever read the Maverick Reports? I would classify spam as the irritating offers of Viagra and other meds form unknown parts of the world or offers of a 6 inch - you know what - . You just know it is not going to happen.

I always found your mail of interest and enjoyed the read. There was always something inspirational in there. I attended a couple of your seminars too and met with you which added to my interest. I don’t know how you derive a dollar out of it but I always found it curious as to why someone would go to so much trouble to put together such interesting and well researched articles. And then send them to me…

I have an absolute loathing for that kind of bureaucratic ‘can’t do’ attitude. This is Australia!

I urge you to “fight them on the beaches.”

Dean Frith LREA
Forge Real Estate Wallacia

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