Thursday, May 04, 2017

Baby Boomers retiring - what now??

The life at Park Royal Penang
Jeez I hate the term... "I am over 50 and my life is over!"

I could give you the normal Kentucky Fried story of Colonel Sanders but as baby boomers reach and pass retirement age, what I would rather do is bring you a hundred ways to excel when you reach the stage [ not the age ] where you can choose what you do for the next 20 to 30 years..

Stories like Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach who at 71 has a 25 year plan involving a new book every 90 days - that means he will publish 100 books before he resets his goals... and if they only made $10 a week each that will be AT LEAST $1000 a week forever - that will pay for many holidays in Penang - Joanne and I are just back from a week in the luxury Park Royal Penang and all up it was less than $4000 including airfares, accommodation and shopping!!

I am calling this journey Rebootology the science of what to do when you can do anything you like.

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