Sunday, March 11, 2012

17 Internet Entrepreneurs Worth Following on Google+

One of the great things about the internet and social networking is the fact that it allows us to quickly share ideas and get feedback on them. The internet has made our lives so much easier, and has presented many of us with opportunities we never would have dreamed of 15-20 years ago. Entrepreneurs are all over Google+, sharing their ideas with the world. Here are 17 internet entrepreneurs worth following:
  1. Pete Cashmore – CEO of
  2. Kevin Rose  – Tech Angel Investor and entrepreneur. Drinker of tea.
  3. Mark Cuban – Self made billionaire, Owner of Dallas Mavericks
  4. Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten – Founder of TwitterCounter and
  5. Ben Parr – Journalist.
  6. Jason Calacanis – Serial entrepreneur, angel investor and writer.
  7. Guy Kawasaki – former chief evangelist of Apple, co-founder of Garage Technology
  8. Michael Dell – Founder of Dell, frequent Hangout participant
  9. Daniel Brusilovsky 18 year-old entrepreneur. Founder & CEO of Teens in Tech Labs.
  10. Greg Raaum – CEO & Founder Lush Technologies, software architect/engineer
  11. Salim Ismail – Angel investor, operated seven early-stage companies.
  12. Dan Leveille – Founder of Equalitopia & BookMaid. Marketer at deviantART.
  13. John West Founder and CEO of Crazy Monkey Games. Chronic  technophile.
  14. Scott Bradley – Founder Rapid Results Marketing Group LLC, and Lean Strong Body.
  15. Manoj Ranaweera – Founder +
  16. Martin Varsavsky – Tech entrepreneur founder of Viatel, Jazztel, and Fon.
  17. Eduardo Arcos – Hipertextual CEO & Founder
There are plenty of other entrepreneurs out there on Google+, however this list is a great start if you plan on making a circle to follow these men and women.

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