Monday, March 11, 2019

Three Steps forward - Two Steps Back is progress

After a painful end to a holiday in Europe last year - the F.U. money dried up - I made a decision to re-invent myself.

Progress hasn't been as quick as I thought it would be and every now and then plans hit brick walls,

As I do each morning, I listen to a podcast on my morning walk... Monday is usually a slow day for podcasts as it is co-insides with  Sunday in the US, but this morning, waiting for me to listen was a short [ 11 minutes ] podcast from "The One You Feed" which takes it names from the old American Indian story of two wolves... and the message was, Consistent action leads to success, BUT you will always be knocked off course.

The message was, it is the one who finishes who wins.. regardless of how many times they were knocked down. As long as you get back up.

Here are some knockdowns over the last few days - my weight went up from 74.8k to 76.2k... and I was disappointed until I looked at my start weight of 90.3k, so I doubled down yesterday and the scales this morning have been rewarding with a reading of 75.6k before the 10k walk.

My business results have been patchy but today three new clients signed on.

Three steps forward two steps back is still one step forward!

#WayneMansfield #Rebootology #DirtyLittleSecret

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